Summer has arrived in Saskatchewan and we couldn’t be more jubilant. While fun in the sun is something we all covet, you can enjoy it even more when your leisure and sport vehicles are adequately insured. In this blog, we look at special coverages for your leisure equipment such as boats, ATVs, and jet skis, as well as outbuildings like docks and boathouses. If you want to play and rest easy this summer, talk to us about how to properly insure your belongings.

What is a peril and how does it affect your insurance coverage? 

A peril is an event, defined by your specific policy, that damages your home and/or belongings. Different levels of coverage will include more covered perils or remove some of the stipulations on defined perils. For example, general coverage might protect your home from vandalism, but only if it does not result in theft. Perils such as water damage from overland flooding can be covered by purchasing additional insurance to protect you and your property. Choosing which coverage pack suits your needs is easy when you choose La Roche Mcdonald. You have the choice to expand your coverage to fit your needs, and our brokers will go over everything with you to ensure you’re well protected.

A peril is an event that is largely outside of your control, so it can be a surprise to a homeowner. You can protect your home, cottage, and belongings (such as leisure vehicles or automobiles) from common perils by discussing coverage with your trusted insurance broker. In Saskatchewan, we’re no strangers to extreme weather, and many of us know all too well the damage that storms can cause

Some common insurance perils include: 

  • Fire & smoke
  • Lightning, windstorms, tornado, and hail 
  • Explosions
  • Vandalism 
  • Damage from an aircraft, car, or another vehicle
  • Theft
  • Falling objects
  • Weight of ice or snow
  • Water damage

How are leisure vehicles, such as boats and jetskis, insured in Saskatchewan? 

Your sport vehicles, and their storage, can often be insured through your home or seasonal home or covered on a separate stand alone insurance policy as Special Belongings Coverage. This coverage will protect items such as your boat, boat trailer, or waterski from damages while on your property or temporarily away from your property. There are also additional coverage options for: 

  • Liability
  • Loss of use
  • Replacement or upgrade replacement
  • Emergency expense reimbursements
  • Supplies and fishing equipment

Do you need to insure your boat or other leisure vehicles in Saskatchewan?

You do not need to insure them, and all residents with a valid driver’s license will be able to operate most vehicles of this nature. However, boats do require an additional boating license which you can apply for on the BOATsmart! To receive your Pleasure Craft Operators License, visit the BOATsmart! website. 

Why should I insure my leisure vehicles?

Insurance can help to cover known perils, such as those caused by nature including fire and extreme weather, and those caused by people, such as theft and vandalism. Insurance will also cover your leisure vehicles while you are moving them, such as from home to the lake and  from damages caused during driving. Uninsured belongings can have you paying out of pocket in the event of damage or loss of use.

Saskatoon, prevent perils and protect your investments with us. 

Our brokers pride themselves on helping you understand your policy and making it easy to upgrade your policy to accommodate changes in your life. If you’re investing in fun this year, talk to us today! We can help make sure your summer on the lake doesn’t hit any snags. Give us a call, or come see us in person. We’re here to help!